Deliveree On-Demand Logistics

With traceable and transparent nature of the blockchain, it can be possible to verify the authenticity of the information or its sources and build trust in news displayed on the Internet. The blockchain in news industry enables the content to be produced and distributed over the internet in an immutable and secure way.

The beginning of the 21st century set the premise for today’s disruptive digital economy, where producing and exhibiting digital content has become convenient and easy. Digital content in the form of images, videos or blogs is being created and published at large scales today.

Looking at it from Gore's view (which includes a set of prison bars right now as he awaits sentencing), he might have been redressing a wrong. After all, he has previously complained that key facts have been “intentionally distorted” by the media.

The views differ on another aspect: whether the news sites were part of a ploy for Gore to harvest contact details of readers to be potential investors. One person says this was part of the plot, but another says the sites did not have the technology to reap such information.

The reputational problem for Gore was he already had a questionable reputation after business collapses. He even tried brokering Australia’s biggest ever personal debt restructuring deal in 2010 when he owed $495 million, mostly because of guarantees he gave.

We can today reveal that one was Craig Gore, the former Rich Lister developer who was last month found guilty of six counts of fraud after ripping off self-managed superannuation funds for $345,000

Fake news became the catchcry of outgoing??? US President Donald Trump to denigrate reports that he didn’t like.

GUI – Graphical User Interface: Là giao diện sử dụng ở dạng đồ họa, đây là loại giao diện phổ biến và gần gũi với hầu hết người dùng. Giao diện này mình dám chắc 100% ai cũng từng nhìn thấy và sử dụng rồi, có điều là mọi người có biết là mình vừa sử dụng nó hay không thôi

Với tư cách Ex thì t thấy Công ty có chế độ ổn định, không quá tốt như mấy cty lớn, ít nhất lương cũng có tăng. Anh em trong team vv, không drama, PM nhiều kiểu nhưng EM thì khá ok. Giờ làm việc là 9-7 với hay họp vl nên ai không quen thì không nên vào.

Làm OT ko có tiền, làm việc từ 9h tới 21h làm luôn t7