Công ty TNHH nước giải khát Aloefield
I am into international trade since 2013 focusing on SEA countries importing to EU. I have never experienced such bad service before doing business with Aloefield. They deliver with long delays, less quantity than what I paid for and react in a very arrogant unprofessional manner. It goes without saying that they don't pay back the money they owe for delivering lesser quantities. The owner and general manager of the company simply ignores my messages. They ignore their own official documents as well, taking advantage of the protective local environment. There were red flags from the beginning. I worked with four different sales personnel because they kept resigning from the company. At this point I consider myself lucky that they cheated me only for a relatively small amount, so I can look for a better supplier instead of risking a bigger investment. They are also not the real producers of the goods that they are selling, they only have a small production, so finding a better manufactu rer is not an issue. I say don't risk it unless you are willing to fight with a company located in Vietnam who is not taking any responsibility for their actions. Update: I just found out that they cheated another company. Unfortunately they paid a bigger order in advance and the company never delivered the goods.