Công ty trung quốc đội lốt Úc. outsource mà cứ tự cho mình là product Thằng Minh Lee director mất dạy hay quát nạt nhân viên nó làm như người ta đi làm nô lệ cho nó, khi vào sẽ được trainning 1 khoá chữi lộn cùng director hoặc là bạn out hoặc là bạn nhịn nhục làm việc cho bọn trung quốc mà nghe chúng nó chữi

It is a verifiable fact that Flynk is 100% Australian owned and has zero connection to anything Chinese. This reviewer is making lies to put the company down because he was a poor performer. This is not the type of person you or any quality professional would want to work with so it is a good thing people like this are not accepted at Flynk. The reviewer has some real personal issues and I hope he takes care of himself.

It is a verifiable fact that Flynk is 100% Australian owned and has zero connection to anything Chinese. This reviewer is making lies to put the company down because he was a poor performer. This is not the type of person you or any quality professional would want to work with so it is a good thing people like this are not accepted at Flynk. The reviewer has some real personal issues and I hope he takes care of himself.

It is a verifiable fact that Flynk is 100% Australian owned and has zero connection to anything Chinese. This reviewer is making lies to put the company down because he was a poor performer. This is not the type of person you or any quality professional would want to work with so it is a good thing people like this are not accepted at Flynk. The reviewer has some real personal issues and I hope he takes care of himself.

It is a verifiable fact that Flynk is 100% Australian owned and has zero connection to anything Chinese. This reviewer is making lies to put the company down because he was a poor performer. This is not the type of person you or any quality professional would want to work with so it is a good thing people like this are not accepted at Flynk. The reviewer has some real personal issues and I hope he takes care of himself.

Bác nói xạo, dislike

Bác nói xạo, dislike

Bác nói xạo, dislike

Bác nói xạo, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike

Review nhảm nhí, dislike