Khu Nghỉ Dưỡng Phức Hợp Hoiana Suncity
Dịch vụ
Thôn Tây Sơn Tây, Xã Duy Hải, Huyện Duy Xuyên, Tỉnh Quảng Nam
39 reviews
I was working there with my ambitious. I also bought the things for my team to work easily. Then suddenly they cut off me without any acknowledge. Only the HR call that they need to reduce the manning. I also piss off about this working envrinoment, I have to pay by myself for my visa without any supporting from HR. It’s very toxic , it just likes the feudatory, with the King and qeen are HR and GM. They wanna play around with the staff. Please dont make the mistake like I did for those people are planning to join this company.

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