This organization contains such an insane person called N.T.H, one is following somekind of a secret religion of the country, I don't know why they hire such a cult like that to work for the software company(?), maybe a sister who are working in the HR department is also a cult, that's why she hire such the disaster! The technology skill and knowledge of the individual are just meet the average level, to explain the quality of a product which the person is take responsibility for is almost insanity and nearly-impossible to do it, because the product does not following any of the popular standards such as ISO or etc (even if those standards are applied then the quality can be better but no one can guarantee a 100% it is the best of all). The main job of the individual is to acting like a spokesperson of the secret religon, the person is teaching and discussing to a group of 10 people in a room for hours, the topics are something such as; finding the values of money, or religiously and s ensitively topics which are very similar to the 6 realms of Buddhism, causes and results and the great wheel in Buddhism, how we should stop killing the animals to prevent bad consequences. What this person had doing is remind me of a father talk to the cults at a Catholic church or a monk talk to its believers at a buddhist monastery. What had happening with the firms and workers these days? If you blindly believing those loads of shit then there is a high chance you will develop a decreasing in your inteligence level because of paranoid, because the organization from what I know is not a religion organization, which can give you a certification paper to certify you to be a religious worker, this is can be very important if you want to become a professional, from what I know, the paper is quite valueable it even can be use to apply for EB4 VISA or EU VISA.