With respect to the working environment, it is quite toxic due to the high number of very young colleague. Respective and co-operative manner among the young is not considered an advantage of this place. Critisism and arrogant are two of the most impression of the young staff. There will be no place for mistake to be made as it would be your nightmare. The Senior Associate and Partner was great. However, if you are looking for a friendly environment, mature colleague, co-operative, this highly young work place might not be suit you to have a long journey of contribution. It may appropriate for other aggressive and and highly competitive legal talents.

Totally agree with LG! Extremely toxic working environment!!! Amongst the staff, instead of focusing on working and improving themselves professionally, all colleagues tend to pay significant attention to stabbing behind each other back. Kissing the Partners' asses is a must to get promotion (So shameful to admit that I must do the same to survive and to be promoted!) Also bear in mind that some partners are nice while others are real assholes. Here is a red alert! Try to stay away from a partner, namely D.H.N, appearing to have sadistic personality disorder, who usually scolds and yells at her colleagues like fierce dogs barking at thieves. She is also famous for swearing and smearing in the office. If you make a mistake, be prepared that she will curse not only on you but your entire family. The worst personality on earth! (Now still hating myself for being her asslicker) Workwise, be ready for enduring long hours of work. If you leave the office before the partn ers do, you are bad! No appreciation for your hard work at all. They would just take it for granted. Despite the huge amount of work, and stress and pressure that you have to suffer, the salary is under paid! In the end, working in this company is like going through hell whose its negativities will traumatize you for your entire life! In brief, "Max sida, né gấp kẻo hối hận!"