Endava Việt Nam

Endava Việt Nam

9-11 Dong Da street, Ward 2, Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh
9 reviews

Java project (MPGS) - consider carefully before joining. Project: This is the maintenance project and adding features, the system is extremely complex, but there is no none who understands the system deeply and supports it, new devs also learn from old documents that are mostly outdated, reading from the code to infer the business, flow, in general, everyone is busy and stressed, if the work is not finished, they bring it home to continue, even on the weekend. If the work is not finished, they will be pressured by the PM/SM or Team leader. Scrum master(SM)/ Project manager (PM): One person takes on both positions, quite ambiguous about the roes and responsibilities, they work as if managing both TLs and team members, they often ask questions that criticize team members and impose deadlines on them. They are unpleasant, difficult people and show hierarchy discrimination. They often impose their decisions instead of getting alignment for a certain team task. Team leader (TL) TL here works in a imposing and authoritative manner, they say whatever they like and rarely support team members. Some younger TLs have extremely bad attitudes, they have good technical skills and English, but their communication and influencing skills are extremely bad. TLs also often work from home without clear reasons and leave office earlier than other team members, regardless of the work that is still in messy. They easily blame team members of not completing the work. Org chart: Currently there are 4 teams, and the Org chart changes frequently, at least every 3 months. They change people from one team to another without prior notice or discuss with team members, which also show the imposition and lack of respect from the leaders, SM/PM as well as the contributions of each team member are scattered across the teams. Summary: In conclusion, working here is quite stressful, especially the pressure from people and then the complexity of the project. People com, people leave happening.